Which Terpenes Do You Use And Why?
We use 40 Terpenes to give our products their effects. All are sourced from fruits, herbs and plants. All our drinks have a different set of dominant terpenes which are responsible for different effects.
All the dominant terpenes are explained below:
So How Do Terpenes Make you FEEL?
Terpenes can give you a number of different feelings. We infuse each product with a blend of botanical terpenes that incite a mild feeling of upliftment, pleasure, and emotional warmth. The way this affects you when drinking TERPS will depend on what you’re doing at the time. Having a laugh and a dance with friends, you’ll feel ready to go all night, sitting in your favourite chair with a good book, you’ll feel able to focus on the story and enjoy the wind-down.
How Do Terpenes Work?
Scientists used to believe that smells had positive health benefits because your sense of smell is associated with areas of the brain that influence your mood.
But they now believe that terpenes act directly on brain cells. They think terpenes work by binding to receptors and neurotransmitters and imitating natural compounds in your body to regulate emotions, weight, health etc.
How Do You Drink Us?
However you like! All Terps & Co spirits are designed to be used just like regular alcoholic spirits. In a cocktail, over ice in a tumbler, even by the shot! 30ml is a single serve and 60ml for a double. Cheers!
Do Terps & Co Products Cause Intoxication?
The short answer is they are non-toxic, unless you were to drink a very large amount. In our current formulations you will need to drink 13 x 750ml bottles (325 x 30ml serves) before you would begin to have the slightest hint of intoxication.
What Are Terpenes?
Terpenes are the organic compounds found everywhere in nature within each herb, flower, and fruit that give them their unique scent and flavour. So, when someone says, "Stop and smell the roses," what they're saying is, "Stop and smell the terpenes."
Are Terpenes Safe?
Terpenes are not psychoactive which means they don’t affect your mental processes. Terpenes are recognized as safe by the FDA.
If you think about it, all plants have terpenes and you eat them every day. So, when you breathe in the fresh scent of citrus as you enjoy your fruit in the morning, you're benefiting from terpenes.
Safe When I'm Pregnant?
Terpenes are harmless, natural compounds that only have a short term, positive effect on our mind and body. Our rule of thumb is to treat terpenes like caffeine in that a serving or two has no negative health effect on mother or baby but can stimulate your mind, blood flow and oxygen levels giving you a sense of well-being. If ever concerned, consult your medical professional first.
Is TERPS & CO Zero Alcohol?
Due to the distillation process of our essential oils, our spirits contain trace amounts of alcohol of less than 0.5% ABV. This is similar to other fermented beverages like kombucha.
Any Calories?
The good news is that there are no added sugars and less than 3 calories per 30ml shot (less than 1gm sugars per 100mls), coming from the natural extracts and flavours. Super guilt free right?!
Do Terpenes Get You High?
No. Terpenes do not exert a psychoactive high However, they do work in more subtle ways to alter mood through interaction with the serotonin and dopamine systems. For example, terpenes such as limonene serve up a refreshing and stimulating sensation.
Is Terps & Co "anti-alcohol"?
We’re for choice. Adults can choose to drink whatever they want and if sometimes (or all the time) they wish to not drink alcohol, then we’re for that! But We also go hand in hand with a responsible drinker’s lifestyle.
Is Terps & Co Vegan?
They sure are! We use only all-natural, plant derived, extracts and distillates that do not harm or include sentient beings at any stage.
Do Your Products Contain Caffeine
Terps & Co products contain no stimulants. Terpenes work in a more subtle way, without the highs and lows of sugar or caffeine.
Do You Have A Returns and Replacement Policy?
We sure do and you find it here
Still Got A Question?
Drop us a line and we’ll help you out.